Every Birth Counts

Soliciting for Donations

Maternal and infant mortality rates are in crisis globally, with particularly dire statistics in Nigeria. According to the World Health Organization, only about one-third of women have access to a care provider during childbirth. Additionally, one in five children do not reach their fifth birthday.

Ebute-Meta, Nigeria, is home to the Oko Baba Destitute Center, where many individuals—men, women, and children—live in severe poverty. At LabakCare, we have been diligently working to provide consistent medical care through our clinics. However, we want to do more.

During recent visits, we observed and provided essentials to the lay midwives assisting laboring mothers at the center with a lack essential supplies such as clean bathing equipment, gloves, sanitation products, sanitary pads, newborn diapers, and bulb syringes. These basic necessities are crucial for promoting healthy living and safe childbirth.

Our goal at LabakCare is to assemble "Maternity Packs" for distribution to the Oko Baba Destitute Center and Tradeo Medical Center in Lagos, and some bathing centers in parts of Abeokuta, and Ibadan, during our next medical mission in October 2024. These packs will include essential supplies for the midwives, new mothers, and their babies—items we often take for granted, such as receiving blankets, sanitary pads, mesh underwear, bulb syringes, cord clamps, gloves, baby soap, washcloths, and more.

Your support can make a significant difference. Please consider donating to help us provide these vital supplies and improve the lives of those in need.

Thank you!

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